
By default, this package does an assumption about your naming schema. It expects you use the following format: <PREFIX>-<WORKLOAD NAME>-<ENVIRONMENT>. When you deviate from this schema you potentially need to provide 2 configuration options. You can do this via 2 environment variable:

NameDefault ValueDescription
PATTERN_WORKLOAD_NAME.*?-(.*)-.*The first match is used as the workload name.
PATTERN_ENVIRONMENT_NAME.*-.*-(.*)The first match is used as the environment name. For example: development, testing, acceptance or production.

Other environment variable

NameDefault ValueDescription
ENVIRONMENT_WEIGHTdev,test,acc,prodThe order that the environments are returned, we match using a startswith. If the environment does not match it will be returned last.

AWS Policies

In order to query the AWS Organizations, you either need to assume a role in the master payer account. Or you need to delegate administration to another account. For more information read the Delegated administrator for AWS Organizations page.

Here you see the least privileged delegated administrator policy that you can use:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "ListRoot",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": { "AWS": "<Delegated Account>" },
      "Action": [ "organizations:ListRoots" ],
      "Resource": [ "*" ]
      "Sid": "ListContent",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": { "AWS": "<Delegated Account>" },
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
        "arn:aws:organizations::<Master Payer Account>:account/*",
        "arn:aws:organizations::<Master Payer Account>:ou/*",
        "arn:aws:organizations::<Master Payer Account>:root/*"

Configure the environment ordering

By setting the ENVIRONMENT_WEIGHT you have control over the order that the environments are returned. For example, if you have a development, testing, acceptance and a production environment. The alphabetical sorting would be: acceptance, development, production and testing.

But we call it DTAP and therefor the: development, testing, acceptance, production order is more logical.

By changing the ENVIRONMENT_WEIGHT value you can control the order. It’s a comma seperated list, and if the word matches with the environment name it will take the index of the matched word. All non-matching environments are appended.