Using the python module

For this to work, I assume you have configured your AWS CLI correctly. You will need the configured profile name in order to test your script. If the default profile is used you can omit the environment variable.


First you will need to have a place where to run the code. For simplicity’s sake this example will use the venv module to create an environment. You can create a virtual environment and activate it as followed:

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Next you will need to install the module as e dependency:

pip install landingzone-organization

Build your script

Now we can start using it in your python scripts, for example create a file with the following content:

from landingzone_organization import AWSOrganization

# Fetch the organization information and instantiate the organization object 
organization = AWSOrganization().parse()

# Define the OU structure where the workload accounts live
nested_ou = ["Workloads"]

# Iterate over all workloads in the provided OU location 
for workload in organization.workloads(nested_ou):
    # Display the workload name
    print(f"Workload: {}")

    # Iterate over each account in the workload
    for account in workload.accounts:
        # Display the environment name and id of the account (aka the workload environment)
        print(f"\tEnvironment: {account.environment} has {account.account_id}")

Test your script

Now you can simply run: